Some of you have noticed a lack and asked about availability of our cages and when we are going to start making more; this is an answer to all those questions...
As of September 2015 we are nearing completion of a major project - this project is the main reason for so few cages being manufactured these last six months as it has required the majority of our available time; there simply are not enough hours in the day to manufacture cages as well the Steel Bondage Restraints and the day to day fulfilment.
We had expected to resume manufacture of cages around now but we are running about 8 weeks behind where we wanted to be.
At the same time we have been looking at the way we make cages and the pricing structure thereof and have updated the shop in readiness, although there may yet still be some changes.
The upshot of this is that the puppy cages have now been split into three products: A basic cage, a standard cage and premium cage. We propose to build to stock the majority of cages (those being the Basic and Standard Bondage Cages) rather than chasing tails trying to fulfil orders and when the shop says they are in stock, they will be in stock and ready to ship for next day delivery.
So, when are we going to start making cages again? Unfortunately, we still can't entirely answer that question but probably in about 8 weeks time once this current project has been finished, all being well.
What that means in terms of availability is that we plan is to produce some Basic and Standard Puppy Cages to stock in time for Christmas; the Premium/Bespoke cages will therefore not be available until the start of the New Year.
Hopefully that answers most of your questions and we're sorry that cage availability has been so limited.
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